Maher Chlorpyrifos (40.8%EC)

Maher Chlorpyrifos (40.8%EC)

The mechanism of action: chlorpyrifos is a respiratory, and digestive insecticide, and acaricide which is absorbed through the roots and leaves, but since it is dissolved in a small amount in water, the result is non-systemic action mechanism. The ability of this poison is to inhibit cholinesterase enzyme in the nervous system of animals. Acetylcholine acts as a neurotransmitter in the inter-synaptic space and stimulates the next axon. Chlorpyrifos in the body of the insect accumulates in the synapse and leads to continuous stimulation of the subsequent neural string since the cholinesterase enzyme necessary for the decomposition of acetylcholine in the inter-synaptic space and the removal of this continuous stimulation is blocked by chlorpyrifos.
Usage items:

Chlorpyrifos is applied to control the beetle insects, diptera, isoptera and lepidoptera in the soil or foliage of plants in a wide range of products, including grains, stone fruits, citrus fruits, nut.crops, strawberries, fig, banana, grape, vegetables, cucurbit vegetables, potatoes, beets, tobacco, soybeans, sunflower, peas, rice, cotton, alfalfa, wheat, barley, corn, sorghum, asparagus, ornamental plants, edible fungi, grass, trees and forest shrubs. Because of the toxic fumes of this compound penetrates the soil, it causes the destruction of soil pests (such as winter moth larvae, flea, beetroot, wireworms, and etc.). In order to control such pests, it can be recommended using 20-30 kg of bran with 10-20 liters of water and 1.5 liters of chlorpyrifos per hectare of poisonous baits. Because of the non-systemic action of this poison, the spray should be made in such a way that a layer of the toxin is completely placed on the plant.

Compatibility and Mixing:
Chlorpyrifos has a good correlation with the recommended concentrations in the mentioned plants, but beyond the recommended dosage, it has highly sensitive effects on Camellia, Azalia, Rose, and poinsettia. Mashhad melon is also susceptible to it, and the rest of the melon varieties should be used a liter per hectare. Chlorpyrifos has a good stability in neutral and acidic environments, but it is hydrolyzed in strong alkaline environments, resulting in no alkaline mixing. This compound is corrosive to copper and rice.